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NOZZI BAZZAR is committed to ethically produced artisans and

By collaborating with artists who love the earth, we can communicate with each other through objects,

We aim to create a world where people can live in abundance.




人の手から生まれるハンドクラフトには「もの」としての存在以上の力があります。 心を豊かにしてくれるアートや、飽きのこない普遍的なデザイン。 季節を通して使える機能性、その土地を身近に感じられる素材など、大切に使いたいと思えるアイテムを現地に赴き探し、信頼できる職人とものづくりに取り組んでいます。




Handcraft around the world NOZZI BAZZAR Fair Trade

Slow and local handcraft

When you get something,

Not just yourself and those around you

For the earth and living things

I want you to be healthy.

So that we can preserve the beautiful scenery we have seen in the future,

From a lifestyle of mass production and mass consumption

Shift to a slower lifestyle

We select and produce products based on nine ethical keywords.

Applicable keywords are displayed on the product page.

Please refer to this when choosing items.

9 ethical keywords


Made using environmentally friendly materials such as organic cotton and production methods that do not use chemicals.

Fair trade

Through fair trade, we contribute to improving the quality of life of producers and sustaining communities for women, children, and craftsmen.


Items made using traditional manufacturing techniques unique to the region or tribe are powerful and remind us of the origins of life. Leads to the continuation and development of tradition


Something carefully made by human hands. Handmade products by artists and craftsmen will satisfy your soul.

Natural Fiber

Made from properly managed natural materials. We would like to actively incorporate natural materials that have been around since ancient times so as not to lose them.


Avoid using animal materials as much as possible. Animal-derived materials are edible by-products and other materials that are friendly to animals and the environment.


Made from recycled and recycled materials. It has less impact on the environment and reduces waste than creating new materials.


Something that is made by adding new value to something that is no longer needed or cannot be used as is.


We support sustainable production methods such as natural dyeing, materials that return to nature, and manufacturing that is safe for both people and the environment.

Drawing by Miho Ishii